Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to Install Adobe Acrobat Reader

Adobe Acrobat was the first software to support Adobe Systems' Portable Document Format (PDF). It is a family of software, some commercial and some free of charge. The Acrobat Reader program (now just called Adobe Reader) is available as a no-charge download from Adobe's web site, and allows the viewing and printing of PDF files. It is a major component of the Adobe Engagement Platform, and is widely used as a standard format to display text with a clean visual appeal.

edit Steps

  1. Download the Software by clicking on the Download Button.
  2. Go to the directory, where your downloaded Installation file has been kept, usually Desktop.
  3. Double-Click the Installation File.
  4. Let the Setup File install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer.
  5. Restart your computer.
  6. Start Using the software.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How to Add an Audio Player to a Website Using Entertonement

Have you ever wanted to add audio to a website, but don't want to embed a whole video frame? Add an audio player frame instead! If you want to find the easiest way to upload audio to your science fiction blog, for example, and didn't want to embed several youtube videos that would take up space, this is the easiest way for you.
edit Steps

Find your audio source. This can include an online video, a file on your computer, or audio to record straight from your computer's microphone.

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Open an account. Create an account at Yes, this will take a few seconds, but you'll save much more time, and all your audio will be in one account in case you need to re-add a clip later.
Uploading a file
Uploading a file
Upload the audio from step 1 into Entertonement: The large orange "upload" button on the right side is your friend.
Editing the file details
Editing the file details
Edit the audio name and details: You can add it to a collection (group), attach an image, and add a description. When you're done, hit "Save".
Embed the player: Click your username to go to your profile, or click "My Uploads" on the upload page after saving. Click the link for the file you want to embed, and copy the code the "embed" button gives you.
Add it to your site/blog: Paste the embed code in your webpage, and enjoy as you're done!

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

How to Add Customized Searches to Google Deskbar

Google Deskbar is one of many great google programs that allows you to search the internet from your desktop. Customized search is one of the great features. You can search through other searchbars on web pages.

edit Steps
1If not already done, download the Google Deskbar.
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for(i = 0; i '+ ''
+ google_ads[i].line1 + '
+ google_ads[i].line2 + ' ' + google_ads[i].line3 + '' +
'' + google_ads[i].visible_url + '';

s += "";

google_ad_channel = '+7733764704+1640266093+9911500640+3311607322+7416705818+8388126455+8941458308+6876289738+7122150828' + xchannels + gchans;
google_ad_client = "pub-9543332082073187";
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google_feedback = 'on';
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google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);

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2Click the small down arrow next to the search bar.
3Click options on the top of the drop down menu.
4Click the "Customized Searches" tab.
5Click "Add..."
6Open the page with the search bar you would like to add, leaving open the "Custom Search Description" window. EX.
7Type a word (any word) into the search bar and click search.
8Copy the address in the address bar.
9Paste into the "URL" section of the "Custom Search Description" window.
10Read through the URL until you get to where it has the search term you typed earlier.
11Replace the term with {1} . Must be typed exactly. EX.{1}&fulltext=Search
12Name the Customized Search. EX. wikiHow
13Give it a shortcut letter or symbol. EX. W (Optional)
14Click "OK"
15Click "OK" again unless your going to make more changes or add more Customized Searches.
16From then on, when (this is with the wikiHow example) one wants to search wikiHow for (example) artichokes, all one would have to do is type 'artichoke' into the Google Deskbar and click Control(Ctrl)+W.
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for(i = 0; i '+ ''
+ google_ads[i].line1 + '
+ google_ads[i].line2 + ' ' + google_ads[i].line3 + '' +
'' + google_ads[i].visible_url + '';

s += "";
google_ad_channel = '4065666674+7733764704+1640266093+9911500640+3311607322+7416705818+8388126455+8941458308+6876289738+7122150828' + gchans;
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google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);
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Thursday, February 18, 2010

How to Add Wikipedia Articles to Google Earth

Learn how to put an article from Wikipedia (i.e. your business entry) on Google Earth. Once the article has been added to Google Earth, people browsing Google Earth will see the Wikipedia logo, and will browse to your article when they click on it.

edit Steps
1Find an article you wish to see placed in Google Earth.
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for(i = 0; i '+ ''
+ google_ads[i].line1 + '
+ google_ads[i].line2 + ' ' + google_ads[i].line3 + '' +
'' + google_ads[i].visible_url + '';

s += "";

google_ad_channel = '+7733764704+1640266093+9911500640+6529619144+1730213812+8962074949+8941458308+6876289738+7122150828' + xchannels + gchans;
google_ad_client = "pub-9543332082073187";
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google_protectAndRun("render_ads.js::google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);

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2Click “Edit this page” at the top of the page.
3At the bottom of the article, paste this text in: “{{coordLATLONGdisplay=title}}"
“LAT” is the decimal latitude.
“LONG” is the decimal longitude.
"title" is the name of the article.
Example: {{coord42.599494-72.738744display=title}}
4Check to make sure that the coordinates point to the desired location of the article by copying and pasting the code, and then deleting “display=title”
Example: {{coord42.599494-72.738744}}
5Click “Show Preview”. You should see a globe picture, and the coordinates following.
6Click on the coordinates link. That should take you to a “Map sources/GeoHack” page.
7Click on “Hybrid” from Google Maps. That should open the Google Maps page, displaying the correct coordinates of your article.
8If the coordinates point to the correct location, press the back button in your browser twice. This should bring you back to the preview page on Wikipedia.
9Delete the “{{coord42.599494-72.738744}}”. This should leave the code with “{{coord42.599494-72.738744display=title}}”
10Click “Save page”.
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for(i = 0; i '+ ''
+ google_ads[i].line1 + '
+ google_ads[i].line2 + ' ' + google_ads[i].line3 + '' +
'' + google_ads[i].visible_url + '';

s += "";
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